Hey Mermaid! I really want to tribute this blog to black owned business that deserve recognition and support from the community. During this time of Covid-19 and the social injustices against the black community it is more vital to support such businesses in the same community. With that said I’ve asked a few questions to some black owned businesses that I hope you all can support in some way. Supporting doesn’t always mean making a purchase. Sometimes you are just not in the position to do so, it’s so easy to simply share a post or tell a friend who would be interested about these businesses.
Pucker Up Lemonade Boutique Stand. Now, let me tell y’all....this is the BEST and I’m not being extra, literally the BEST lemonade I have ever tasted. I first came across Lemonade Pucker Up at an event in Compton that they were vending at and the rest is history, I literally CRAVE their lemonade now. “Pucker Up was an "accidental" business that actually started as a school fundraiser. After 8 years of catering our Lemonade Stands to countless parties and vending at some of L.A.'s largest events like the Taste of Soul and Taste of Inglewood, the opportunity presented itself and we were able to sign the lease on our first brick and mortar location in Compton, my hometown where it all started. It wasnt easy though and we've faced many challenges over the years. But we persevered! The journey was everything and many lessons were learned along the way.”
This Lemonade boutique has flavors from your favorite strawberry & watermelon to peach clobber and sour apple. “The million dollar question: What's our best Lemonade? We've never claimed to be the best. That's subjective. But with over 40 flavors and endless combinations and seasonal flavors, my personal fave is the Mango with Lavender being a close 2nd. I also have love for the Prickly Pear, Blood Orange, and of course the quintessential Strawberry. Our Peach Cobbler Teamonade is unique, a crowd pleaser and is definitely a fan favorite.”My personal favorite is the watermelon with agave substituted for sugar. (Yes they do that!)

I see Pucker Up at almost ever community event and try to remember to bring my souvenir cup because I just expect to see their booth. The customer service is amazing and you can tell that they love their community and just wanna share their love of lemonade with us. “The Pucker Up brand is inspired by my father Carl Christian's recipe. He gave tirelessly to the community before his passing and is the source of my strong work ethic. Giving back to our community is at the core of our business. It is our community that has sustained throughout the years. It our "Why". We've been able to create symbiotic relationships that have been mutually beneficial.”
I won’t leave y’all hanging here how you can reach them! 723 East Compton Blvd. in Compton, open daily from 1 pm - 5 pm. Closed on Mondays.
“We engage our customers and fans on both Instagram and Facebook. You may contact us for catering inquiries via our website puckeruplemonadecompany.com, on Google, by phone at 562-507-8177, or email at puckeruplemonadeco@gmail.com ”
Quench your thirst and drink up!
Earthly Touch. This CBD company is one you want to keep in your back pocket. I suffer from anxiety as most people do now a days and instead of taking an Ativan or drowning myself in alcohol I tried this CBD company and it changed my life! Now let’s get this straight, CBD can not give the feeling of intoxication that THC makes a person feel, which is why people choose to use CBD for pain management. Here are some other examples of what people use this herb for:
Epilepsy and seizure disorders
Pain and inflammation
PTSD and anxiety
Crohn’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Opioid withdrawal

What inspired you to get into the CBD business? “The most inspiring thing about CBD is hearing testimony. People get prescribed pills that end up doing more damage to the body. Once they get introduced to cbd it all turns around. Whether it’s for anxiety, aches and pain’s, depression, trouble sleeping, or just to take the edge off after a long day.”
What is the difference between CBD and weed? CBD and marijuana both comes from the same plant. The cannabis sativa plant. Some plants produce hemp which is very low in THC and high in CBD. Where other plants produce high THC and low CBD.
CBD gives you a body High a relaxing mellow feel, THC is psycho active and some say makes you feel some what intoxicated. Both can have some benefits.
How can consumers reach you? We started off doing pre-rolls and just recently added edibles. Follow us @earthlytouchcbd on Instagram for everything to come.
Nottarace. My great friend for years owns this clothing line! Here is a quick Q&A to get to know this new brand.
What inspired you to start your clothing line? NottaRace is probably my 5th clothing line that I’ve attempted. The concepts of “success” &“failure” inspired me to start NottaRace. We all have many hidden or obvious talents within ourselves. However “failures” or comparing another’s success can sometimes hinder us from finding or appreciating our own potential. So my brand is a daily reminder to be proud of yourself for exactly who you are; to appreciate the pace that you are currently at; and to find pride in whatever it is you’re doing.

What plans do you have for the future with your line? I plan to get my line into Swap Meets and build relationships with local stores to get the line out on a community level. At the same time, i plan to combine my clothing with influencers on social media. Especially the musicians. NottaRace will be a home jersey for my Los Angelino’s priority. Then the rest of the world.
How can people reach you to support? People can get in contact with us on instagram @nottarace, twitter @nottaraceinc, & our facebook page “NottaRace Inc.” Much love, its NottaRace it’s a Cha$e.

I admire this brand because of it it’s heart put into it. What we can all take from this is to never give up. Keep trying, revamping and adapting! Its only failing if you give up and clearly there is no room for that with NottaRace.
Fourever Elle. Homemade, chemical free CANDLES....yep that’s all I have to say. Here is the Q&A on how this business is freshly getting starting and what to expect on when it is launched!

What inspired you to start your own candle line? Well first off, I have always loved candles! It doesn’t matter if the sun is shining or if it’s pouring rain outside, I always want them all over my house! There’s just something about candle light and the way fragrances fill up a room that is so soothing and welcoming.
But honestly it’s much deeper than that for me. Candles have really helped my mental health, so they really mean a lot to me. Not many people know this, but for years I have struggled with anxiety and severe panic attacks. Not fun to deal with, at all. But, candles are one of the things that have really soothed me and helped me get better control of my anxiety.
So this truly sparked my passion for wanting to start my own brand. I would love for my candles to make people feel good, because they have definitely been therapeutic for me. I mean, who doesn’t need little mental reset button, right!?
What is your favorite scent so far? And why? My favorite is definitely Beach Babe which smells like coconut, orange, and pineapple. I created this scent myself and it smells like a straight up Caribbean vacation. I love to travel so when I close my eyes and burn this candle, I feel like I’m back on the beach, in Dominican Republic, sipping my favorite cocktail. It’s such a tropical scent, it literally makes me want to put on a bikini!
What do customers look forward to with this line? When it comes to to my candles there is definitely a lot for my customers to look forward to. Everything is designed and handpicked by me, from the jars, to the labels, to my logo, to the wicks, the recipes, and so on.
Some candles are made with essential oil, and some are made with fragrance oil so I offer a variety of scents but I will also have fragrance-free candles for those who are sensitive to fragrance.
On top of that, all of my candles are 100% soy wax.
Many big name brands use paraffin wax or a blend of paraffin and other waxes. Many people have no idea that when they burn those candles they are creating indoor pollution. When burned, parafin wax gives off harmful fumes (such as toluene and benzene) which is linked to respiratory tract issues, asthma, and lung cancer. Soy wax does not give off toxic chemicals, and it also burns slower so the candle lasts longer.
So having said all of that, my customers can look forward to a variety candles that are all non toxic and will not have a negative effect on their health. They can have peace of mind in knowing that fourever elle candles promote physical and mental health. I like to think of them as self-care in a jar.
How can people reach you to make a purchase? The best way to make a purchase is through my website foureverelle.com where they will have the option of setting up an account so they can be notified of new fragrances, discounts, sales.
If they have any questions or a problem with their order then they can email me at info@foureverelle.com
I also have Instagram and Facebook
IG: @foureverelle
FB: fourever elle

Y’all....I have the Lavender scent and light this candle EVERY night, it smells amazing, burning time lasts long, and it is chemical free and made from the heart! Fourever Elle is asking for all my money because who the heck doesn’t love candles? Like....follow her now and be on the look out for her launch date!
Chef Jayson.
I met this chef only a couple of months ago and let me tell you, his wings are the BOMB. He is more than a wing man though! (Pun intended). He does a lot of baking and gourmet meals. His parents are chefs and that aspired him to become one, which I am sure they so proud of. “My future goals are to have my own cooking show and have an restaurant also I always say I want to be the male Martha Stewart...” I’m so sure he will make that a reality one day, he is such a hard worker and just makes amazing food, comforting food at that. His creative ideas are pretty clever. “I’ll have to say a fan favorite is my Hennessey cake” say what? Yep, Hennessy cake y’all!

What else are Chef Jayson’s specialties? It only gets better, “I love my stuffed chicken in a white wine sauce...also my Cucumber salad.” His meals just sound and look refreshing and delicious. I love going on his Instagram he has so many meal ideas and he even caters y’all. Make sure that you follow his Instagram and show him some love: Chef.jayson and direct message him for an inquiry!

Shout outs!
Need your hair done ladies? I would love to shout out is “Anything & Everything” services, I promise you I thought no one could lay my hair but she did a heck of a job and nurtured it as if it was her own hair. She has a special deal going on this summer so check her out! Follow her on Instagram @aandeservices.

Writers Block. My friend Jordan Danielle is such an inspiration. She is an author and poet and her words truly lift you up. Follow her inspirational word on instagram @writersonblock and her personal page @thejordandanielle and ask her how you can purchase one of her books!

I hope you enjoyed this Black owned businesses shout out! If you know anyone who has a business or have one of your own, & you would like me to shout it out, just email amermaidsworld@yahoo.com. Happy shopping Mermaid!